Archive folder

Gelpi Andrea liste at
Mon Feb 22 15:44:14 CET 2016

	is it possible to implement a solution like the following?

user1 a dom1.tld has Archive folder connected to user1 a dom2.tld Inbox
folder on another server

Why am I asking that?

User1 to archive is mailbox times ago created a second email server with
user1 a dom2.tld.

He is moving email from one server to the other manually using an imap
client (drug & drop).

On the two servers exist hundreds users.

Now he'd like to unified this two systems using Archive folder.

Does exist a way to do that?

ing. Andrea Gelpi
La Terra non la abbiamo ereditata dai nostri avi,
ma la abbiamo presa in prestito dai nostri bambini.
We do not inherit the Earth from our parents,
but borrow it from our children.

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