Multilingual spell check

Daniel Hoffend dh at
Sun May 31 16:12:59 CEST 2015

Hi Rolando

> I've been using Kolab for one month now and it's great. I installed it
> on different VPS configurations including CentOS7, CentOS6,
> Ubuntu14LTS, and Debian7. Debian is pretty stable at this moment.

Sounds good :-)

> I have a couple of users that speak Spanish and wanted to know if it's
> possible to add more languages to the spell check engine. Please let
> me know if that's possible.

Keep in mind that the webmail interface is nothing more then an enhanced 
roundcube installation. You just have to lookup how ot configure spell 
check for roundcube.

On Debian I've done it the following way (using a local pspell/aspell 

# enable spell checkking
apt-get install -y php5-pspell aspell-en aspell-de aspell-es aspell-fr 

cat >> /⁠etc/⁠roundcubemail/⁠ << EOF
     # spell checkking
     \$config['enable_spellcheck'] = true;
     \$config['spellcheck_engine'] = 'pspell';
     \$config['spellcheck_languages'] = array(
         'en' => 'English',
         'de' => 'Deutsch',
         'da' => 'Dansk',
         'fr' => 'Français',
         'it' => 'Italiano',
         'es' => 'Español',

Of course you can modify the list to your liking.


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