Kolab + Active Directory

Dr. Hirn drhirn at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 16:46:16 CEST 2015

> I guess Univention offers free evaluation licenses if there is some intent in using UCS.

They do

> Second: There's a core edition, free of charge. (I don't know if it's possible to test kolabenterprise with UCS core edition.)

It is possible.
But there is no AD-Sync in Core Edition. (Not sure if I need this 
feature anyway)

> btw: If money is the moving force and alternate solutions must be much cheaper than a currently used (and quite expensive) solution, it will most probably fail. It's a hard job to get a better working solution with much less resources than an existing one.

Yeah, I know. Hard to tell them, that Open-Source doesn't mean "free".
But still, I have to try.

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