iRony not synced with ldap???

Friedemann Schorer friedemann at
Fri Jan 9 23:14:24 CET 2015



a little after installing Kolab 3.3 on my Ubuntu 14.04 server I changed
something in the naming convention for my domain, resulting in a change
of username für my personal user account - it changed from
givenname.surname at domain.tld to givenname at domain.tld, leaving the login
name unchanged. 

Today I had to setup the calendars on my Android again, using the CalDAV
app that worked flawlessly for me so far. Now, upon choosing the
calendars to sync I noticed that the iRony-URL still used the old
givenname.surname at domain.tld, and the calendars displayed in the
calendar app apparently are empty, leaving me without any appointments

Now that I don't have as much freetime as my calendar suggest to me -
what's wrong here? And more important - how to fix it??? 

Thanks in advance, 


I respect your position, Professor. I just don't share it. 

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