Segmentation fault quota -f kolab 3.3

Timo Posemann (RDG) t.posemann at
Mon Feb 2 15:44:42 CET 2015


thangs for your help and script examples. It took a time to do the 
testing. But i could not managed to get all accounts with quota´s.
I thing 40% of my users shows unknown in roundcube or thunderbird. the 
other´s shows the correct quota in roundcube and thunderbird.
Then i tried to repair with "/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/quota -f 
user/example at" and only get this output:

    Quota   % Used     Used             Resource Root

Is this correct? I thing not. When i delete the cyrus.* files of this 
user, do a reconstruct on his mailbox, i get the correct quota´s without 
useing the quota program, but i lost the seen state of the mails.

Best regards,

Timo Posemann

Am 28.01.2015 um 10:04 schrieb Timotheus Pokorra:
> Hello Timo,
>>  many thanks for answer. This part is exactly the one i don´t
>> understand. Why do i need a dump of this mboxlist from the old kolab2
>> system?
>>  After my upload into the ldapsystem kolab creates automaticly the
>> accounts in cyrus and created a own mailboxses.db with all my users.
>> Or is this the problem?
>>  I thought i can do the upload in LDAP use the old files from kolab2:
>> mails, quota and seen files and don´t need the mboxlist dump?
> I switch off kolab server (service kolabd stop), because I don't want 
> Kolab to create new mailboxes.
> Then I do the rsync into /var/lib/imap/domain
> I just noticed these lines, they might be useful to you as well:
> # delete all empty files because they cause trouble for cyrus
> find /var/spool/imap/domain/$firstchar/$domain -type f -size 0 -exec 
> rm {} \;
> Then I recreate the mailboxes. I think because I migrate several 
> domains after one another, I did not want to do it in one step, and 
> therefore I wanted to pass in which mailboxes should be created.
> So you might be fine generating the whole mailboxexs.db in one go.
> All the best,
>   Timotheus

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