adding kolab schemata and users to an existing 386 instance

Michele Catalano catamik at
Fri Jun 13 15:20:48 CEST 2014

Dear All

I'm writing as after a kolab install on (a not fresh) debian, the setup-kolab 
procedure stops saying:

It seems 389 Directory Server has an existing instance configured. This setup
script does not intend to destroy or overwrite your data. Please make sure
/etc/dirsrv/ and /var/lib/dirsrv/ are clean so that this setup does not have to worry.

as hede suggested in the related post I have to manually tweak your 386-ds for 
kolab, if there's already data in it.

So my specific need is to get a clean procedure to add kolab schemata and users to 
an existing 386 instance in order to fullfill all the requirement missing from the 
stopped setup-kolab script.


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