Kolab 3.2 login issue

Thomas Spuhler thomas.spuhler at btspuhler.com
Wed Jun 11 17:14:39 CEST 2014

On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 05:01:17 PM Torsten Grote wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 June 2014 17:48:13 Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
> > > Then it is about time to start familiarizing yourself with the OBS ;)
> > > Especially, since there is almost no people pushing fixes into the
> > > Updates repositories.
> > 
> > Hmm.. why is that? lack of resources? It sounds a bit bad if kolab packages
> > aren't actively maintained..
> Please note that Free Software is in most cases not packaged by the people
> that develop it. Usually, people develop software which is then packaged by
> the various distributions. Kolab has been packaged by Debian for example, but
> is currently not included anymore for lack of packagers.
> Kolab Systems (mostly in the form of Jeroen van Meeuwen) provides the OBS and
> the packages in there to support the community, but it does not backport fixes
> all the time to already released versions.
> It is not like no one is pushing in fixes. It is just not enough people,
> because they are all volunteers with limited time available. There is Aeneas
> Jaißle who does a lot of OpenSUSE packaging, there's Paul Klos, Paul Boddie,
> Daniel Hoffend and Timotheus Pokorra for Debian. The latter also does some
> CentOS. This might already sound a lot, but it is not enough to keep everybody
> with their issues happy and definitely not enough to get Kolab directly into
> the various distributions.
> So please consider getting signed up on the devel list and getting involved in
> the OBS.
> Kind Regards,
> Torsten

At Mageia, Kolab packages are being updated regularly. But on released versions, we do only Security 
upgrades and Bugfixes  (as we do with all other packages). They have to go through QA before pushed 
into the updates.
The new versions are being included in the next distro release which is due around the end of the 

Best regards
Thomas Spuhler

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