fsl logging configuration

Cristian Rigamonti cri at linux.it
Fri Apr 5 20:03:32 CEST 2013

Problem (kolab 2.3.4): all kolab services have logging level set to "debug"; I
want to change it to "notice".

I couldn't find instructions on the kolab wiki, nor on http://www.ossp.org/pkg/lib/fsl/

So I tried editing the relevant files in /kolab/etc/fsl/fsl.* (replacing "debug"
with "notice"), since I found no references to fsl in the /templates dir; then
tried restarting the relevant services (including kolabd), and also running
/kolab/sbin/kolabconf but with no results: services still log with "debug"

What is the right procedure to change the fsl configuration?

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