Kolab Syncroton

Stefan Fröhlich stefan-f at dodo.com
Thu Dec 13 12:24:53 CET 2012

On 12/12/2012 12:56 PM, mailingliste at dreampixel.de wrote:
> Zitat von Stefan Fröhlich <stefan-f at dodo.com>:
>> I'm still unable to get kolab-syncroton to work. Will it be part of the
>> upcoming 3.0 release? Anyway, I installed the available kolab-syncroton
>> and browsed to myserver/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync and an
>> authentication dialog popped up. But it doesn't matter what I enter
>> there it is still popping up again.
> I had the same problem. Last weekend was an update of Syncroton then
> the problem was solved.
This may help on CentOS but I've installed it on Debian Wheezy. But I 
got it running now:
Delete config folder in /usr/share/kolab_syncroton and create a symbolic 
link instead to /etc/roundcubemail with the name config.
Edit /etc/roundcubemail/main.inc.php and insert 
include_once('/etc/roundcubemail/kolab_auth.inc.php'); at the end.

MfG Stefan Fröhlich
42 ;-)

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