access to the mail of a groupaccount

Andrew J. Kopciuch akopciuch at
Fri Nov 26 16:49:41 CET 2010

> If I understand correctly, you can easily accomplish this with the postfix
> virtual agent.  Just forward everything from old to new.
> 1. Edit /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/virtual.template
> 2. add : mailingliste at mailingliste at
> 3. run: /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

To add ...

This is a "going forward" solution ... it doesn't give you access to mail 
already sitting in there though.  :(   If that is what you are after, Gunnar 
is on point.

You can easily move all of the old mail from one account into the new with 
imapsync though.

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