using distribution lists as groups issue?

Skip Morse skipmorse at
Thu May 6 01:06:55 CEST 2010

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 4:00 PM,  <skipmorse at> wrote:
> Hey all,
> On my 2.1 system that I just migrated i didn't have the option of using
> distribution lists as groups, now that the 2.2.3 upgrade was successful, I'd
> like to start using group entries and remove the user entries.
> I can add the distribution list and all seems okay. So far I've only tried
> this within the web admin for a 'shared folder'. Once I remove my single
> user entry, I get an [UNSHARED] folder in outlook (toltec), and then I get
> the folder in as new as if they weren't related, then the new one will sync,
> but the old 'unshared' one must be deleted.
> I was hoping I could just go through and add the group, and remove the
> single entries for the users, but is this not possible? We have a handful of
> shared folders, and probably 3 'group users' that have
> folders/contacts/calendars shared from there.
> Any ideas? The only thing I can come up with is to use groups moving
> forward, but leave the current entries as-is, I don't think having people
> delete every [UNSHARED] version that comes in...
> Thanks,
> -Skip

Okay, in testing, I think it might have been something I did.  When I
removed my user from the list, I also selected 'none' from the
drop-down... I think that was what went wrong.. I'm guessing it set
the acl to none, then removed me or something... Odd... If anyone has
any input, let me know, I'll keep testing...

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