zpush with n900 pr1.2 not working anymore

Alexander Schröter webmaster at computational-chemistry.org
Tue Jun 22 18:21:56 CEST 2010

Am Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010, um 18:11:57 schrieb Thorsten Schnebeck:
> Am Dienstag 22 Juni 2010, 17:49:34 schrieben Sie:
> > Hi, just a reminder
> > 
> > I have a problem with my zpush setup. it's not working anymore. you might
> > remember me sending a msg after updating my phones firmware and eversince
> > that time the sync is not working anymore i hope you can help me because
> > there is no error in the logs which i can hold on and try to debug :(
> Hi,
> have you tried to sync calendar only?
> Bye
>   Thorsten

Yes and I actually just tried creating a new user and the sync worked.

Even though it took some time for the device to server ... it worked both ways 
... so calendar seems to work like a charm.

What reason can there be that it does not work with my user.

Its just a feeling but I think it might be a device problem.

@Thorsten: did you upgrade or did you use the fiasco image?

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