Kolab, backup, virtual server and slave.

kiser Caesar kcaesar at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 17 13:14:24 CET 2010

Actually I'm running a kolab server 2.2.2 on a physical server (debian 4.0), but for more security I plan to duplicate it as a virtual image. My goal is to have backup/redundant service.
Now to have a sync with my two servers, I will make a rsync from my two "/kolab"each evening. I think I will have with this way a fully redondant system with day -1.
But before I want to know your eventual feedback on my idea ? 
Moreover, I think I must upgrade to kolab 2.2.4 before doing my virtual server ?
Then to finish, someone have already upgrade his sytem (debian 4.0 > debian 5.0) ? I need some feedback,
Best regards, 		 	   		  
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