shared calendar as long time reminding system?

Thorsten Schnebeck thorsten.schnebeck at
Fri Sep 11 22:12:51 CEST 2009

Am Freitag 11 September 2009 16:19:01 schrieb Gunnar Wrobel:
> Quoting Thorsten Schnebeck <thorsten.schnebeck at>:
> > Am Freitag 11 September 2009 08:49:47 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:
> >> Am Donnerstag, 10. September 2009 16:23:44 schrieb Gunnar Wrobel:
> >> > > I guess the hackish solution would be to make sure a webclient is
> >> > > running all the time that has access to the folder and will just
> >> > > send out emails for each reminder. You might need a script to keep
> >> > > the horde sessing alive, though.
> >> >
> >> > I think the Horde Alarm system allows setting up email reminders via a
> >> > cron job.
> >>
> >> From the concept side I do not see how this could work reliably.
> >> In order to read a folder, any client would need the users credentials
> >> which should only be kept in memory as long as the client is active.
> >> A cron job is another client and it dies not have the credentials to
> >> access the folder of any user.
> >
> > Yep, this seems to be the problem.
> > I disabled safe-mode for testing purpose and now the scripts run in
> > CLI but the cron job script still get no auth
> I looked at the script now and it does indeed do no real
> authentication. I guess this could be fixed though. But Bernhard is
> also right: You need the user credentials. Would it be sufficient if
> you run the script for just one specific user?

Hi Gunnar,

for my use case this should work.

I create the internal user "termin" set-up a password, login Horde, used calendar configuration to give 
group:all at 'modify' rights and config default alarm + email reminder for user "termin" to the internal 
distribution list all at

I checked the group rights with cyradm, and used Kontact-client of one account that is also part of the group to connect 
to this calendar folder.

Everything works as soon as I login into horde as user "termin". This triggers the email reminder to the distribution 

For a quick and dirty solution *me* thinks about using python + mechanize to simulate using a browser.



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