kolab on openSUSE natively is a little bit back

Richard Bos ml at radoeka.nl
Sat Feb 14 21:07:46 CET 2009


this is a message for those interested in having kolab available on openSUSE 
natively.  The last months I have been working on the many many packages that 
are required for kolab and they are now available on openSUSE's build service.  
I have updated the wiki page about how to install kolab on openSUSE.

The packages are available for openSUSE_10.3, 11.0 and 11.1.  I have tested 
the packages only on 11.1.  So far the rpms install nicely, and I have the web 
interface up and running.  However, configured users are not created in the 
directory /var/spool/imap  This is to be investigated why this happens.  A 
message in /var/log/messages might give clue:
DBERROR db4: /var/lib/imap/mailboxes.db: unexpected file type or format

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that progress is made and it would be 
great if others start testing the current packages.  Find more information 
about kolab on openSUSE at: 


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