Kolab 2.2.1rc E-Mail notification in kronolith

Heiner Markert mephisto at gmx.net
Sat Apr 4 11:21:43 CEST 2009


I tried to get email notification for calendar entries working this weekend, 
but with no success. I received a notification mail in only two of around 
15-20 test appointments I created within my calendar from within horde or 
kontact, and I cannot figure out when, and when not the mails are being sent.
When I run /kolab/var/kolab/www/client/scripts/alarms.php 
and /kolab/var/kolab/www/client/kronolith/scripts/reminders.php manually, my 
users preferences sometimes get messed up (i.e. no more calenders are 
displayed in horde, the default view is reset etc.), but no reminder mails 
are being sent.
Has anyone had success yet with Email reminders and kolab 2.2.1rc?

Thank you, and best regards

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