Server fqdn change

Richard Bos ml at
Thu Sep 25 22:22:22 CEST 2008

Op Thursday 25 September 2008 21:48:04 schreef Gunnar Wrobel:
> > What changes would I have to make if the fqdn of my server changes? I
> > would certainly have to make changes in Kolab and  Horde. What about
> > LDAP, Cyrus-Imap? What about Kolab's certificates?
> You'd definitely also have to change the hostname in LDAP. It is easy  
> to break things this way though. I'm pretty certain the required  
> procedure has been also already discussed on this list. So there  
> should be additional hints available.

It would be nice if a script pops up, that could take care of the change.  
Perhaps that the script can be stored / developed on the wiki or perhaps an 
issue should be opened for this.

Related to this is a domain name change from domain1.tld to domain2.tld.  At 
the end the users login name (user at domain.tld) should be changed to.  This 
will be quite challenging...  Also in this case a supporting script would be 
nice to have.

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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