Horde questions

Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at lios-tech.com
Thu Sep 11 15:21:23 CEST 2008

Hi Gunnar:

Am 11.09.2008 10:06:50 schrieb(en) Gunnar Wrobel:
> This should not be the case (at least not if the users have relevant  
> events in the displayed period. You should invistigate this using the  
> troubleshooting guide in the wiki and post a bug if this is not  
> working on your installation.

Unfortunately, the troubleshooting guide seems to be a little outdated  
for the 2.2 release...  However, what I found are errors in the Apache  
log:  Reading the fb list seems to work - - [11/Sep/2008:15:13:00 +0200] "GET  
/freebusy/test1 at my-domain.com.ifb HTTP/1.1" 200 379

but the trigger fails with status 404:

kolab.my-domain.com - - [11/Sep/2008:15:12:35 +0200] "GET  
/freebusy/trigger/test2 at my-domain.com/Kalender.xpfb HTTP/1.1" 404 386

Any ideas?

Thanks, Albrecht.

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