Expanding user.php so it enters three more fields into LDAP

Christian Rößler Roessler at FuH-E.de
Mon Oct 13 09:59:51 CEST 2008

Good morning to everyone,

I am working for some time with Kolab, and I have to say I think it is a 
very nice software. Now I try to enhance the admin interface a bit while 
evaluating the possibility of a migration to Kolab

Well, my problem is such: I want to get sone posixGroup functionality 
for the user type 'groups'. As I obviously cannot just connect 
posixGroup to the object (as inetOrgPerson/kolabInetOrgPerson would be 
present) I have thought of making a scheme of my own with an auxiliary 
objectClass, which brings the three attributes I need.

These attributes would be 'generate/delete companion posixGroup, list of 
UIDs for group, eventually password'. Then I would use a script to 
generate a posixGroup at the appropriate place in the hierarchy.

This already functions reasonably well. But I fail in modifying user.php 
as such, that it writes my objectClass (with the three attributes) to 
LDAP - regrettably my PHP knowledge is rather bad.

So I would be most grateful if anyone could help me.

Best regards and many thanks,
Christian Rößler (Roessler)

PS. My scheme uses this attributes:
generateCompanionGroup - boolean - SINGLE-VALUE
membersCompanionGroup - IA5 - SINGLE-VALUE
passwordCompanionGroup - IA5 - SINGLE-VALUE

...and the object is:
companionGroup - AUXILIARY -
MUST ( generateCompanionGroup )
MAY ( membersCompanionGroup $ passwordCompanionGroup ) )

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