Add logging info for untrusted sender

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Sat Nov 29 22:54:06 CET 2008

Quoting Loïc Elineau <loic.elineau at>:

> I am not sure I explained my problem correctly:
> Actually, every user who wants to send mail with our servers has to
> authenticate its SMTP connection. We don't trust any network at all.
> The problem is, that when a user don't authenticate, the server  
> relay the mail
> if the recipient is the same as the unauthentified sender, just prefixing the
> sender with "UNTRUSTED".
> I don't want kolab to add "UNTRUSTED", I'd like it to respond with 550 error.

Should be possible by switching to "Reject forged from header" in the  
Kolab web admin "Service" tab.



> I am not sure SPF will be the right solution for this problem. Is it?
> Best regards,
>> >
>> > Is there a way to block untrusted sender if they pretend being from a
>> > domain at the kolab server? Another solution should be to add logging
>> > info to portfix.log (and thus eject them thew fail2log). But how to
>> > achieve this?
>> >
>> > best regards,
>> SPF is the solution, but their is no support integrated into kolab yet.
> --
> Loïc Elineau
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p at rdus Kolab work is funded in part by KDAB and the Kolab Konsortium

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E-mail : p at                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 700 6245 0000                          Bundesstrasse 29
Fax    : +49 721 1513 52322                          D-20146 Hamburg
    >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<

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