Comparison matrix of Kolab2 und Exchange functionality

Richard Bos ml at
Tue Mar 18 19:15:01 CET 2008

Op Monday 17 March 2008 22:57:50 schreef Volker Stoppe:
> I am looking for information for a presentation to show the advantages of  
> a Kolab2-Server against MS-Exchange. I would like to show a comparison  
> matrix which compares the functions of Kolab2 and MS-Exchange. Does anyone
>   know where i can find something like that?

Perhaps those pages help you, althought it is about clients:

By heart the most important features of kolab (that are different from MS 
exchange) are its distributed concept (so scalable), it's based on open 
source software and it supports multiple clients.  See the description on top 
of the kolab's website 

What might be different too, is e.g. that each email is stored as file, in 
contrast of other servers were all emails are stored in in 1 file.  If the 
latter gets corrupt, many emails might be lost.  It's probable also more file 
space consuming to backup such a server.

Disclaimer: this is of course far from complete, it might even be completely 
wrong. So, just don't copy and paste those points!
Please refer to this email as well.

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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