two questions

Helga Mayer Helga.Mayer at
Wed Jun 25 16:54:48 CEST 2008

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008, Jan Vergeer wrote:

> Hello,
> I am running kolab 2.2 release 3.
> I just upgraded from a previous version of kolab.
> When I create a new user, the horde webinterface looks very different (nicer!) compared to the webinterface of users for which an account was created in the previous version. How can I reset the horde webinterface to the new look, for existing users?
> And I am unable to delete a certain account. The admin webinterface keeps telling me "User Deleted, awaiting cleanup...". But the cleanup never happens (I have this error since december 2007). Can you help me to fix that problem?

Same problem here.
The kolabDeleteflag is set, but the mailbox is still there.
Deleting the complete entry bye ldapdelete doesn't help. It looks like
cyradm ist called when creating an account, but not when deleting.
Any advice howto verbose or debug is welcome.

Helga Mayer

> Thanks in advance.
> Jan Vergeer
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*  Universitaet Hohenheim       *  Helga Mayer                            *
*  Rechenzentrum                *  Tel. : 0711 -459-22838                 *
*                               *  Fax  : 0711 -459-23827                 *
*                               *  E-Mail-Adresse :                       *
*  70593 Stuttgart              *  Helga.Mayer at           *
*                                                                         *
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