Kolab-users list for german speakers?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Wed Jan 16 19:17:00 CET 2008

On Wednesday 16 January 2008 15:01, Johannes Graumann wrote:
> I dislike the idea. It fragments the knowledge base provided by the mailing
> list archives and pulls parts of it into a realm only accessible by those
> speaking German. And yes, ich spreche Deutsch. Which sys-admin inclined
> person isn't able to follow a technical discussion in English these days?

We are aware of the danger of knowledge and community fragmentation,
but in our observation a kolab-users-de@ it will do more good than bad.
The reason is public administrations, which really value the German language.
Note that Kolab Server only exists, because one of them contracted us and we 
were able to create it as Free Software as a side effect.

Some of the customers of the Kolab-Konsortium pointed out,
the need for more German information.
Also they sometimes contract us specifically to get documents in their native 
language and we try to comply as we are a service oriented as a company. 
I think this is a fundamental right as customer to get local language, if 
possible. We do recommend all design documents to be in English for their 
best value as well.

Our plan is to keep the English lists and grow the community.

More German users would get as more progress
and this is something we all (international) users will profit from.


Managing Director - Owner: www.intevation.net       (Free Software Company)
Germany Coordinator: fsfeurope.org. Coordinator: www.Kolab-Konsortium.com.
Intevation GmbH, Osnabrück, DE; Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HRB 18998
Geschäftsführer Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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