2.1 to 2.2-rc-1 upgrade B): kolabquotawarn

Johannes Graumann johannes_graumann at web.de
Wed Feb 13 09:15:03 CET 2008

Gunnar Wrobel wrote:

> Johannes Graumann <johannes_graumann at web.de> writes:
>> Since doing the upgrade as advertised I got the following error-mail:
>>> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string
>>> at /kolab/lib/perl/vendor_perl/5.10.0/Kolab.pm line 170.
>>> Password verification failed.
>>> Use of uninitialized value $Kolab::config{"base_dn"} in concatenation
>>> (.) or string at /kolab/lib/perl/vendor_perl/5.10.0/Kolab.pm line 186.
>>> Use of uninitialized value $Kolab::config{"bind_dn"} in concatenation
>>> (.) or string at /kolab/lib/perl/vendor_perl/5.10.0/Kolab.pm line 200.
>>> fatal: Can't read configuration, please make sure that kolabquotawarn
>>> runs with sufficient privileges
>> I then compared the permissions of /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf of the
>> upgraded install with that of my backup and found that the new install's
>> was owned by "kolab-n:kolab-n", while the original one was owned
>> by "kolab:kolab". I changed the ownership to the backup one and don't
>> seem to get the email since then ... is this a bug (which I fixed) or am
>> I just not waiting long enough for the next message?
> Hm, on my rc1 installation /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf is still owned
> by kolab:kolab.
> Anyone else that upgraded with the same change of ownership problem?

I consider this fixed then. Thanks.


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