Log-In Problems

Jochen May admin at jmay.org
Mon Dec 22 10:16:08 CET 2008


I have a problem with the login at horde. The system is a fresh kolab 2.2.0 installation on a debian 4 system. Via imap-client (e.g.
Thunderbird) the login is possible.

When i try to login, i get the message "username and/or password are incorrect" at the horde webclient. At the horde.log i get the

Nov 30 17:12:09 HORDE [error] [horde] FAILED LOGIN for foo at foo.bar [] to Horde [pid 3373 on line 157 of

At the same time in the php-errors.log:
[30-Nov-2008 17:12:09] PHP Notice:  Unknown: Connection failed to kolab.taj-mahal.lan,143: Die Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist
abgelaufen (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0
Translation: The waiting time for the connection is over

During the installtion i get no errors or warning. Anybody a hint or idea? 
Or is this a horde problem and not related to kolab?


Contact Information:

Jochen May
Im Laufer 9
97892 Kreuzwertheim
Key-ID: 0x3A7D7FFC

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