Horde and IE

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at pardus.de
Fri Aug 22 19:38:44 CEST 2008

Quoting "Alejandro Bednarik" <alejandro at xtech.com.ar>:

>  Hi all!
> Is anyone having troubles using Horde with Internet Explorer?. I get blank
> pages all the time, it seems like many old versions of IE can handle the
> way horde display errors (an example could be a wrong password).

I never heard such reports before. Maybe you inquire on the horde  
mailing lists too. They might have more information concerning browser  



> Any help is much appreciated,
> Thanks.
> --
>  Alejandro Bednarik
>  XTech - Soluciones Linux para Empresas
>  (011) 5219-0678
>  alejandro at xtech.com.ar
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