LDAP Adressbook

Marc S. Pankow msp2010 at web.de
Wed Sep 5 14:36:49 CEST 2007

Hello *,

IŽm very happy that this listing exist and hope that anyone can answer me. 
We installed the actual kolab-server (2.x) on a Suse and make a connection via the toltec-connector. 
Now we want to use the Kolab-Adressbook as a LDAP-Adressbook in Outlook. Therefore we bouht a few Toltec-LDAP-Licenses and connected it. 
Now we have a lookup to the internal Kolab-Users. Is it possible to connect to the kolab-adressbook. I think I have to change something in the  Base-String, but donŽt know what.
Actually we set dc=mycomanpany,dc=local and that shows only the "users".

Best regards

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