cyrreconstruct -r -f not working as expected.

Alain Spineux aspineux at
Wed Oct 24 12:03:57 CEST 2007


Here is what I do.
I have a working imap spool and a mailbox with sub-folder.
I remove the cyrus.index from this sub-folder, run cyrreconstruct on the mailbox
and expect to have the cyrus.index file rebuild.
But the file is not rebuild.
If I use the * wildcard to include all sub-folder of the mailbox, then
the file is rebuild.

I dont understand what is '-r' for then.

Any idea ?
A bug or a feature ?

bash-3.2$ ls ./spool/domain/m/mydomain.loc/c/user/catchall^mydomain^loc/alias2/cyrus.index
bash-3.2$ ls -l
-rw------- 1 kolab-r kolab-r 176 Oct 24 11:46
bash-3.2$ rm  ./spool/domain/m/mydomain.loc/c/user/catchall^mydomain^loc/alias2/cyrus.index
bash-3.2$ cyrreconstruct -r -f user/catchall.mydomain.loc at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc at mydomain.loc
bash-3.2$ ls -l
ls: ./spool/domain/m/mydomain.loc/c/user/catchall^mydomain^loc/alias2/cyrus.index:
No such file or directory
bash-3.2$ cyrreconstruct -r -f user/catchall.mydomain.loc/*@mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/alias1 at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/alias2 at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/aspineux at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/candidate1 at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/candidate2 at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/ at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/j.smith at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/mickey.mouse at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/titi at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/ at mydomain.loc
user/catchall.mydomain.loc/yoyo at mydomain.loc
bash-3.2$ ls -l
-rw------- 1 kolab-r kolab-r 176 Oct 24 11:53

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you

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