Max number of users for a Kolab plataform?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Thu Mar 22 16:14:25 CET 2007

On Friday 09 March 2007 22:28, J. C. França wrote:
> I have a client that is questioning the max number of users ever attached
> to a Kolab installation, and the respective hardware config. Do some of you
> have figures that I could use to evangelize this guy?

The theoretical number of users is quite high (hundreds of thousands)
because you can scale the components and use more machines as well.
In addition it depends a lot on the hardware used and the usage.

The hard working part in a Kolab Server is the Cyrus IMAPd
were installations exist that serve quite a few users has 26.5 K listed.
Next the is postfix and email filtering,
then there comes freebusy generation.

Depending on the hardware and scalability needs you can have a few hundreds
to a few thousand users on one machine.


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