UID_Filter in httpd.conf template

Liutauras Adomaitis liutauras at infosaitas.lt
Tue Aug 7 13:32:21 CEST 2007

On Tuesday 07 August 2007 13:21:06 Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
> Liutauras Adomaitis <liutauras at infosaitas.lt> writes:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm using kolab packaged by Mandriva. it is without OpenPKG. I can't tell
> > which version it is - since kolab -v gives me error about not existing
> > OpenPKG. rpm -qa | grep kolab gives:
> > kolab-1.9.5-0.20050801.5mdv2007.1
> > kolab-resource-handlers-0.4.1-0.20050811.2mdk
> > kolab-webadmin-0.4.9-0.20050910.2mdv2007.1
> Hm, the dates of that release look rather outdated. I'd consider using
> a newer OpenPKG installation. Does the Kolab2/Mandriva project have a
> website or something where the status of this native port can be
> checked?
> > Any way the problem is that httpd.conf.template attribute
> > UID_Filter "(|(uid=%u)(mail=%u))" is defined, but my apache complains
> > about it. I can only start apache with UID_Filter commented. I didn't
> > notice any disadvantages of runing kolab without UID_Filter, but still
> > why is it so?
> The disadvantage is that your users will be unable to log in using
> their UID value. They will allways have to use their full e-mail
> address (at least on all systems provided via apache).
> So it is not really critical.
> The problem probably derives from the mod_auth_ldap package. You need
> to have a version of the package that is specifically patched for the
> Kolab server.
> Or you use apache >=2.2 which does not require mod_auth_ldap to
> allow users to also login via UID.
> Cheers,
> Gunnar

My apache is
Server version: Apache/2.2.4 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-6mdv2007.1)
Server built:   Mar 14 2007 10:14:36
So my users should be able to login with UID? So i can comment UID_Filter with 
no worry?


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