Apache Userdir security

Giovanni Baroni baroni at datacomm.ch
Mon Oct 30 10:20:19 CET 2006

By default userdir mod in kolabserver ist activated.

So all Directories /home/*/public_html/ can be reached by any 
clientbrowser from the kolabWebServer.

Doesn't think that's a wanted feature.

You can deactivate by editing 

insert at the end:

<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    UserDir disable

... and running /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

After this maybe the module is still loaded, but disabled for every 
local user.

Best Regards,
Giovanni Baroni

activmedia gmbh
im fahr 7
ch-6035 perlen
+41 78 790 0614 mobile
+41 41 450 0614 telefon

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