Timezone problem? Growing more and more confused...

T. Ribbrock admin_slox-e at itsef.com
Thu Mar 9 15:27:21 CET 2006

Hi all,

the same user who had all appointments randomly move by one or two hours
in his kdepim proko2 client now ran into another problem: He got an
invitation for a meeting from another user - but upon acceptance, this
appointment was entered into his calendar an hour earlier than scheduled.
Needless to say that he was not overly impressed when he went to the
meeting and nobody was there...

I'm actually ripping my hair out over what culd possibly be going on here
- I've been through a couple of settings on his PC (SuSE 10.0 like all
others, proko2.0.6 client) and just cannot find a difference. It *does*
sound like a timezone problem or suchlike, but it would have to be in his
user settings - and I cannot find where. The PC as such was installed
using the exact same automated installation as the machines of the other
participants, so the setup should be identical.

Anybody out there with suggestions?

Many thanks,


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