shared folders question

Markus Heller markus at
Wed Mar 8 04:51:23 CET 2006

Dear List,

> > We are successfully using kolab's feature of sending emails directly to
> > shared folders.
> > But I wonder if it's also possible to send emails to subfolders of shared
> > folders.
> > It's just that the folder structure needs a clearer layout as the number
> > of shared folders rises.
> I wonder how to create subfolders of a shared folder. We have a similar
> situation, where email comes in and goes through filters into a user's
> folder. I created a shared folder which is visible to all users, and I
> would like to use a subfolder thereof for contacts and the group
> calender...
I checked this again and I noticed that if I want to create a subfolder of a 
shared imap folder, my kontact gives me the following error message:

"Wegen unzureichender Rechte auf dem Server kann der Ordner shared.whatever 
nicht erstellt werden. Falls Sie der Meinung sind, Sie sollten hier 
Unterordner erstellen können. Wenden Sie sich an Ihre Systemverwalter, damit 
er Ihnen ausreichende Rechte zuweist."

translated: "due to insufficient permissions, the folder shared.whatever 
cannot be created on the server. if you have the oppinion that you should be 
able to create the subfolder. (yes, there's a syntax error also in the German 
message :-) Contact your system administrators so that he may assign the 
according permissions to you (again a singular-plural-error :-)"

Is it possible to allow creation of subfolders to the group members by 

Best wishes,

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