proftp error LDAPHomedirOnDemand

Antoni Aniento a_aniento at
Fri Jul 7 09:35:33 CEST 2006

Dear Kolab users,

we've instaled a kolab server development 2.1 in a ubuntu linux.
Unfortunatelly sometimes the power suply fails, and when rebooting our system kolab can't iniciate correctly.

This is the term messages:

# /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start
OpenPKG: start: openpkg, openldap, sasl, spamassassin, amavisd, apache, clamav
OpenPKG: start: imapd, postfix, proftpd:FAILED
openpkg:rc:WARNING: /kolab:proftpd:%start: failed with return code 1
openpkg:rc:NOTICE: output from stdout/stderr is following:
|  - Fatal: unknown configuration directive 'LDAPHomedirOnDemand' on line 30 of '/kolab/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'
OpenPKG: start: kolabd.

The only solution until now is reinstaling kolab and recovering email structure by cyrreconstruct instruction.

Any help to avoid all this anoying reinstallation will be very apreciate.

Many thanks... Sincerelly...

    Toni Aniento
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