Install kolab on a vserver?

Christian Anton mail at
Sun Jan 15 11:43:02 CET 2006

Am Samstag, 14. Januar 2006 20:24 schrieb Alex Chejlyk:
> I have debian/kolab installed as a vmware client. The host OS is
> Mandrake. Very stable, never had stability or performance issues, small
> lan, 20 users. I did dedicate an ethernet adapter for the vm.

yes, on vmware there may be no problem, as vmware is an emulator of complete 
pc hardware, so the vmware'd linux runs with own kernel, own tcp stack and so 
But there are some problems with vmware for me:
- needs X
- is commercial software
- needs plenty of performance

This is why i try to get it to run on a vserver.



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