server 2.0.1 stopped working after 14 days

Rene install at
Thu Jan 5 15:30:25 CET 2006


It was a fault by amavis...
no not by amavis. It it was my fault :-)
I played with the template configfile and a /kolab/bin/openpkg rc 
amavisd restart shows no error.
But a stop marked an error in the configfile. So the daemon was killed 
and my mailtransfer two.

tnx for your replay

Thomas Arendsen Hein wrote:

>* Rene <install at> [20060103 11:02]:
>>I setup a Kolab 2.0.1 System using the wiki.
>>Everything is working fine now but i have a problem after a few days of a
>>running system:
>>I changed nothing on the server since last reboot 14 days ago. Suddenly
>>the the server stoped working with the folling logentry in
>>postfix/smtpd[29600]: lost connection after DATA from
>>After restarting all services everything is fine again.
>Maybe the amavisd process had problems.
>If this happens again, can only restart the amavis daemon:
>/kolab/etc/rc.d/rc.amavisd restart
>and see if it works again after this?
>Did it stop working around midnight?
>Do you have enough space in the /kolab partition?

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