New server

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Wed Feb 22 19:27:28 CET 2006

Roy, All,

if you like Kolab, consider honoring the
with a maintenance contract or a contract for support.
Without this group of companies
 (erfrakon, Intevation, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult): No Kolab Server.



Am Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2006 00:39 schrieb Roy Hoobler:
> Everything worked perfect!!  35 minutes (after being down 14 hours) and we
> were back in business.  Kolab is great in this respect.  My client was very
> impressed.  I had to wait quite a while for the hosting company to bring
> back up the server.
> I guess we were lucky they "mirrored" the old drive so the permissions
> stayed intact.  My main concern was resetting everything - didn't have to
> :)
> Thanks everyone (especially Thomas) for your help.

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