SOLVED & new question: Freebusy only works for some users

T. Ribbrock admin_slox-e at
Tue Feb 7 12:48:52 CET 2006

On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 11:54:14AM +0100, T. Ribbrock wrote:
> For some odd reasons, the freebusy generation only works for some users on
> our server. I tried the direct access via URL
> https://SERVER/freebusy/name@domain.ifb
> This works for some users, but not for all.

I found it. It was due to the script I was using to migrate users from
SLOX to Kolab2. The LDAP entry "kolabHomeServer" did not get set bu the
script, causing freebusy to fail. The users that worked were created on
the Kolab2 server directly and not migrated.

However, this leads to a new question: The LDAP entry was missing -
but the web admin interface showed the correct "Mailbox Home Server" - how
can that be?



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