user settings: forward.php etc is stuck

Markus Heller markus at
Sun Feb 5 19:24:18 CET 2006

Dear Thomas,

you were 100% right :-)

> As root do:
> # /kolab/sbin/slapcat|grep kolabHomeServer
> to find out the hostname that the web interface wants to connect
> to. This should be the same as what
> # grep fqdnhostname /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf
> yields.
> Now try "telnet the_hostname_as_listed_above 2000" on your kolab
> server. It should tell you something like
> "IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v2.2.12"

thanks so much. I did a "netstat -tulpen | grep 2000": The problem was that 
cyrmaster was only on the IPv6 socket on port 2000. On the IPv4 socket I had 
asterisk. And asterisk didn't reply to the php call in a propper way. 

I stopped asterisk, restarted kolab and the user setting worked fine. 

Again thanks a lot!


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