Vaction with whole domain

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Aug 22 14:07:25 CEST 2006

Am Dienstag, 22. August 2006 10:43 schrieb Rene Marticke:
> Bernhard Reiter schrieb:
> > Am Freitag, 18. August 2006 17:49 schrieb Rene Marticke:
> >> I have a domain wich should be used anymore but some people ignore this
> >> ..
> >
> > Set the sieve script for vacation manually.
> Can you give me a hint how to do this pls. I thought the the adress
> param is a must have ?!

My interpretation of the vacation draft is that address is optional.
Reach draft-ietf-sieve-vacation-06.txt from
and look into the definition and the examples.

> I tried to change it in the sievescript but with no access :-(

Check the Cyrus documentation on how to set sieve scripts.
As a user you can use sieveshell:

/kolab/bin/sieveshell at at  localhost

	put script.siv
	activate script.siv

I recommend localhost, because sieveshell does not encrypt
and you need to give your password.

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