kolabd package available in Debian sid

Richard Bos richard at radoeka.nl
Sun Apr 9 09:32:46 CEST 2006

Op zondag 9 april 2006 01:59, schreef Markus Heller:
> > > Another development goal must be modularity. We need to focus the
> > > business
> >
> > Who is we?  The kolab konsortium will not (or most likely) not extent
> > kolab without customer contract.  Will you be adding resources or code to
> > kolab?
> We? The community and everyone who is willing to contribute. Including
> myself. relix has been an expert network and we're converting to be an
> enterprise. For this purpose I try to use kolab as a central application. I
> see that shared folders make up an excellent storage for project related
> data.
> Though, we'd better have a client which manages all the subfolders
> (contacts, tasks etc), but this is a Kontact related thing. I'd love to
> program this, but only after I'll have finished my dissertation. :-)

Sounds good!

> > For all this, see above for my remark about the kolab konsortium.  What
> > is your idea, about how "we" can make kolab better?
> > I look forward to see kolab work together with sipx.  No idea how to
> > accomplish that though... :(  Do you have an idea?
> This topic is also on my wishlist: To integrate any kind of enterprise
> communication. Not just emails, but also phone and fax.
> Univention have built the Univention Corporate Server, on base of kolab,
> and they say to have bundled asterisk for this purpose. The downside is
> that it is a commercial product and AFAIK not open. Does anybody know more?

Not about this product.  I have seen ipbrick (http://www.ipbrick.com) which is 
probably comparable.   It has nothing to do with kolab btw, but it provides 
many things a company wants: groupware, voip and a consistant interface.  
Like Univention it is commercial and the code is not open.  I'm very 
impressed by this product!

> I already thought if and how it could be possible to integrate some kind of
> preconfigured asterisk. Say, you could assign a final number to every kolab
> user. And then you would just need to configure some kind of uplink, either
> IAX or SIP, and you would also need to be able to assign users to specific
> uplink connections.

Asterisk is an endpoint as such it can only a limited amount of users.  You 
need to have a proxy in between, see this figure 3 on this page: 
That's why I proposed sipx, it provides proxy funtionaly has a webinterface 
(something asterisk is lacking).  Further more the sipx project is just now 
looking into getting their data into ldap.  There it seems the right time to 
search contact with the sipx developers.  The kolab ldap server could store 
sipx data too, isn't it?

> I mean, there is this wonderfil device fom AVM (fritz!box) which handles
> all these VoIP connections and the config is rather simple. IMHO, this
> simple interface should be feasible in kolab, too.
> At the beginning of this entire discussion there must be the question on
> how to extend the Web Config GUI and how to allow for config plugins. Maybe
> this could be a central goal for the next release. Then Third-party
> developers could start to add their funktions and offer the according
> services in a nice manner.

Right.  If you think about the kolab - sipx collaboration it is already 
difficult to combine the webinterface.  See for the sipx webinterace:

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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