Solaris 8 Sparc Kolab2 gmp compile error

Bernhard Reiter bernhard.reiter at
Mon Sep 19 10:10:56 CEST 2005

Hi Andrea,
did you manage to finally solve this problem?

If not here are a few additional hints.

Am Mittwoch, 24. August 2005 09:40 schrieb Andrea Soliva:
> I tried to install Kolab2 final release on Solaris 8 sparc 

You could try Kolab Server 2.0.1 which is based on OpenPKG 2.4
and might behave better.

> actually two packages could not be installed. The package which makes me
> problem is gmp and because of this clamav would also not be installed
> (dependencie). 

You can run a Kolab Server without gmp (and even without clamav).
Clamav will use gmp to check the signature of the virus signature files.

> Could somebody advice me what could be done again only this packages it
> going wrong all other ones will be installed without problems!

It is a generic OpenPKG problem,
their user lists usually have the most competent people for such questions.


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