Mail Deliver Issue

Martin Konold martin.konold at
Sat Oct 15 11:36:10 CEST 2005

Am Samstag 15 Oktober 2005 00:57 schrieb Brian Jones:

Hi Brian,

> no mail services) Here is what I am trying to achieve:
> Outgoing mail to the internet should go to its intended internet receipient
> (without using a relayhost) Mail from kolab users to kolab users should be
> delivered locally
> Mail from internet senders to kolab users should be delivered to the kolab
> user.
> As it stands right now Kolab is trying to pass all mail to
> after amavisd has parsed it. (see prior posts for log
> snipits)

Ok, I now understand the following: <-- this is your webserver <-- this is your kolab server

> I had the relay host set to just to test and see if 
> I could get it to deliver mail...

This is nonsense. 

According to your description you don't want to use any relay server neither 
for receiving nor for delivering messages to either internet or local users.

So please don't set _any_ relay host in the web admin gui and retry.

You may check the relay setting with

	mail:~ # /kolab/sbin/slapcat  | grep relayhost

Because you don't want any relay host the result of the above command _must_ 
be empty.

BTW: This all assumes that you did not mess around with any Kolab 
configuration files and that your DNS is working correctly.

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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