problems on upgrade to freebsd release 6.0

Mathieu Chouinard mchoui at
Mon Nov 7 23:43:05 CET 2005

On November 7, 2005 16:15, Martin Konold wrote:
> Am Montag, 7. November 2005 02:38 schrieb digitalphoto:
> Hi,
> > after upgrading my freebsd from 5.4 to release 6 the imap server is dying
> > unexpectedly on kmail, but not with mail in mozilla.
> > do you have any recommendation? should I rebuild kolab packages?
> You need to rebuild the kolab packages (maybe start with the imapd) if the OS 
> became binary incompatible. Mainly this is a libc issue. Please consult the 
> FreeBSD experts and ask them about binary compatibility of their libc.
> Regards,
> -- martin
You have to rebuild everything with every new major release of freebsd change in libc (I usually do this to be on the safe side)
but you can also install freebsd5-compat (never tried it with kolab)
How come wrong numbers are never busy?

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