sasl openldap SuSE 9.2 sudden authentification failure

Martin Konold martin.konold at
Tue May 24 11:13:35 CEST 2005

Am Dienstag, 24. Mai 2005 10:17 schrieb Henning Burow:


> The Kolab Webinterface says:
> Could not bind to ldap server: Can't contact ldap server
> According to '/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all status' all services are running. I
> tried telnet on Port 389, but got no connection. Any ideas what has
> happened?
> Any suggestions?

Does "/kolab/sbin/slapcat" still work?

-- martin

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e r f r a k o n - Stuttgart, Germany
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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