slapcat (openldap/slapd) seg fault on new rc1 kolab install under SuSE 9.3

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Wed May 18 22:17:58 CEST 2005

On Monday 16 May 2005 23:23, Dieter Kluenter wrote:
> Hi,
> Jesse Mundis <jesse at> writes:
> > Greetings kolab users.  I've just built rc1 from sources for a fresh SuSE
> > 9.3 system.  The build and install all seemed to work just fine.  But
> > when I try to bootstrap kolab, I get the following (note the Segmentation
> > fault after the checks for running servers):
> There is more than one package not installed  :-(
> SuSE-9.3 installs BerkleyDB-4.3.27  as default, but OpenLDAP and
> cyrus-imapd are compiled with BerkleyDB-4.2.52 (libdb.a) but linked against
> :-(

So the workaround is to temporarily remove BerkleyDB-4.3 from the 
system and then build the Kolab Server from sources.
Afterwards you can install it again.
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