Kolab beta 3 and sieve problem

Oliver Beck lists at inetmx.de
Tue May 3 11:30:36 CEST 2005

On Thu Mar 17 19:27:37 2005
martin.konold at erfrakon.de (Martin Konold) wrote:

> I encountered this problem several times sofar (it can take a while to
> figure out the exact problem as the logs are not always that much
> verbose)

For me it takes a long day and a even longer night :)

> Workaround: uninstall the berkley db development files from hosting OS
> while recompiling Kolab.

I have no libdb???-dev packages installed, only the runtimes (libdb4.2,
libdb4.3, libdb3 and libdb1-compat). However ... i became the self
errormessage like Alessio which says:

Berkeley db: compiled against 4.2.52, linked against 4.3.27
May 2 21:21:18 scbs <error> imap[12314]: Fatal error: wrong db version

I use Debian-Sarge and Kolab2-beta4 (from source).

I hope anyone can figure out was goes wrong ... I couldn't

> Regards,
> -- martin

Mit freundlichen Gruessen/Best Regards Oliver Beck

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