[Fwd: obmtool log files]

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Thu Mar 3 10:54:24 CET 2005

Hi Ivor,

On Wednesday 02 March 2005 14:43, Ivor wrote:

>     You could check in the  /tmp/obmtool.6229.tmp file to
>     see what commands it was trying to execute?
> I can not find any file by this name.

Note that this file will be different each time you run the script.
However there must be a script running that tries
to unpack the OpenPKG bootstrap environment
and fails. If you can find that, we can debug it and see
what the real cause is.
As always this is hard to diagnose when you do not sit in
from of the machine.

>     ++ extracting OpenPKG source distribution
>     openpkg-2.2.1-2.2.1.src.sh:ERROR: failed to unpack into directory
> "openpkg-2.2.1-2.2.1.src"
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