how to distinguish calendar/contact items in Kontact

Timo Springmann t.springmann at
Wed Jul 27 14:08:49 CEST 2005

Am Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2005 13:57 schrieb Henning Holtschneider:
> - color highlighting of the different calendar entries, i.e. one color for
> each calendar (sub-)resource
> - ability to view only one (user's) calendar without having to "switch off"
> other calendars
> Is this a lack of functionality in the current implementation or am I
> simply too blind to find the correct options?

There's a patch from Tobias Koenig which allows you to color each subresource 
with a different color:

Works perfectly over here with kde-pim 3.4.1

> The same problem basically applies to contacts: I can choose where I want
> to save a new contact but it's impossible to tell where an existing contact
> comes from without switching the resources off on the lower left.

Don't know about this one, but at least I think this isn't that important as 
for calendars.


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