Kolab2 / Horde / LDAP Schema

Julien Gremillot jg.publicbox at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 09:27:13 CEST 2005

On 7/7/05, Martin Konold <martin.konold at erfrakon.de> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2005 18:17 schrieb Julien Gremillot:
> > Then if he wants to delete whatever user from the general address book
> > list, it works !!
> You mean the horde user is able to delete entries from the global address
> book?

That's exactly what happens. A normal user has with Turba all the
rights on the global address book. He can modify/delete every other
user, create a new contact in the global catalog, as well as delete
the Kolab LDAP element (that appears as a no named contact), which
make the kolab install unstable (read: not working at all)

> > And when that's done, the schema seems to become unstable, leading to
> I can't believe this. A normal user does not have the permissions to fiddle
> with the schema.

As told in a post after, Horde connects to Kolab using the manager
account, which means horde can do whatever he wants. I followed the
instructions given on the site and the wiki doing a fresh install, but
it remains the same.

Hope someone can help,


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